Monday, April 30, 2012

back in blues and purples

We have returned from the travels - from a trip that was probably the most meaningful one ever. Many pages in the Collectionary have been filled with notes and scraps, thousands of pictures have been taken, and memories have been created.

Since our return, I have been busy creating several "families" of cards; today we'll have a looks at blues and purples.

Here is a birthday card for a girl who is very un-pink, so I decided to make it as sweet as possible:

Tiles, tiles, tiles... a sunshiny stamp pattern heat-embossed in white, combined with a watercolor-y patterned paper all the way from Poland:

More tiles...

...and an art-journal page illustrating one of the outcomes of the recent trip, namely an attempt to learn Hebrew. What a challenge for a mind to start from scratch, with a totally new alphabet and some concepts I haven't seen in any of the languages I've scratched so far, like niqqud - writing the vowel information in little diacritics under and above the characters.

The text in Hebrew is the first verse of the Bible - "In the beginning..." since it goes together nicely with my Hebrew beginnings, which do sometimes feel "void and without shape", just like the earliest of creation wass described :)

This page is based on a sketch created from a beautiful photo of Chicago skyline, and also on similar colors:

More to come... I did use other colors as well, not just the pink-blue-purple spectrum :)