I’ve been watching this show on TV about hoarders and I feel soooo sorry for those people! I don’t consider myself a hoarder, especially since my husband encourages throwing useless stuff away, but I would cry just as those people do if someone tried to organize my crafting stuff for me and toss some of it. Scraps of paper, nature findings, random pieces… It can all be used somehow!
Yesterday, for instance, I used a bunch of small pieces of paper to create business cards. While it’s definitely a very time consuming way of obtaining stationery and limits the quantities to dozens as opposed to thousands, it’s also perfect for late night when the brain isn’t into complicated processes.
I also experimented with the H20 paints, which I got last winter, when the manufacturer was going to close down the shop and offered a giant discount. Lo and behold, they got such mountains of orders that it allowed them to stay afloat despite the price cut. I was going to get those for my birthday, but oh well :)
So here is a card featuring flowers painted with blue H20s: