
Inspiration is like the air; it envelops us invisible yet constant, and unless we make an effort, we won't even realize it's there.

I find inspiration in nature and in man-made structures; in mile-high mountains and tiny lichens on the rock; in music and in silence.

I love the order of things symmetrical and mosaic-like; hence my fascination with stained glass.

I enjoy fresh, vibrant colors, which made me oh-so happy during our trip to Mexico.

But then there is a different kind of awesomeness in the rusty and the pale.

A few blades of grass in the morning sunshine are an expression of perfect beauty...

...and sour green apples that make your mouth water all of a sudden open your perception to a myriad of verdant hues.

In spring, I search for the long-anticipated awakening... the summer I enjoy the sandy beaches... the fall I feed my eyes on the tapestry of brilliant foliage...

...and in winter I let snow and frost cover me with a peaceful blanket.

And even in the kitchen I smile at my ingredients.


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